4/16/2009 Columbus, OH (6.5 miles) – Tour of Columbus

Well, I didn’t realize it has been two weeks since I have been out. There has been a lot of rain. Today was beautiful — sunny and 64 degrees. A great day for a ride!

You can always expect something new in life and you just need to go around those obstacles. In this case, I found parking meters on the sidewalks when I started out. I just had to slalom through them — so I guess in this case  they weren’t obstacles.

The tour of Columbus was very nice. I rode by Faith Mission on Long Street and some really nice people smiled and waved at me. I headed down to Veterans Memorial next, across from COSI. I made my way back down Broad Street past the Red Cross. Sidewalks can really deceive you. They are really nice granite downtown, but sometimes they go up and down even though you cannot tell beforehand. Unfortunately, I took a couple spills. I’m thinking I’m going to need a new unicycle seat after 100 or 200 miles!

That was all I had planned for the day, but I felt like adding a couple more miles so I rode to Broad and High and then back again. This time around a young man outside of the Columbus Museum of Art video tapped me and asked what I was doing. I gave him a Mophe Card to explain that I’m riding 1000 miles to raise money for charities on GiftCardDonor.com. Another guy was wheeling his mother out of a physical therapy office. He stopped to video me on his phone for his daughter. He asked if I could “mime”.  I didn’t think I did a very good job. I’m going to have to practice. Anyway, they laughed and had a good time. I just love to see people excited to see me. It brightens my day.

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